Assessment, Reporting and Feedback

Modified September 6, 2023
1.5 min
Modified September 6, 2023

AT THE START: At the heart of our approach to assessment, feedback and reporting at GGS is a belief that all students can continually improve and experience positive progress in their learning. We are keen to give our students every opportunity to experience growth and demonstrate their learning as they move through a continuum of experiences in a course of study. Complementing this, with the support of Head of Units, we challenge students to reflect on their learning and set targets and implement strategies that enable them to strive for their personal best. Reportable Assessment grades and feedback will be published through Continuous Reporting via Hive, alongside Learning Behaviour

Statements each term. End of Semester reports will include Head of Unit written reports and a summary Statement of Results for each subject. Regular contact with parents is maintained by telephone or email through the Head of Unit. Should a student be under-performing or not engaging in their learning, our staff will work with them and may be in contact with parents so as to determine a course of action to support or guide the student to better outcomes.

In Year 9, formative assessment occurs to give students feedback on how they are progressing through Units of Work in their subjects. This allows students and their teachers to check for understanding at regular intervals, revisit critical concepts and receive feedback on how to improve. In addition, Mastery Checkpoints are undertaken so that students receive written feedback on their progress and again how to improve or advance their knowledge and skills. Summative assessment is conducted at the end of significant periods of study to provide feedback to students on their achievement against the learning outcomes for that study period and result in a grade being awarded.