
Modified June 8, 2023
8 min
Modified June 8, 2023



French Units 1 & 2 must be completed before Units 3 & 4.

Course Description

Unit 1: Semester 1

This unit is designed to extend students’ knowledge and skills in understanding, speaking and writing the language.

Students are required to establish and maintain a spoken or written exchange related to personal areas of experience; listen to, read and obtain information from written and spoken texts and respond in written form; and present information that demonstrates understanding of cultural products and practices.

The content areas are based on the themes of The Individual, The French-Speaking Communities and The World Around Us. Topics include introductions, personal information, family relationships, daily routine and global youth issues.

Regular exposure to our native language assistant in small conversation groups helps the students to develop their oral skills.


1. Coursework (50%)
3. Examination (50%)

Unit 2: Semester 2

Students continue to extend their knowledge and skills under the prescribed themes of The Individual, The French Speaking Communities and The World Around Us.

Students are required to participate in spoken or written exchanges related to the content areas; respond in written form to spoken and written texts; analyse and use information from written, spoken or visual texts to produce an extended written response in French; and give an oral presentation in French on a cultural aspect of the topics studied.

Content areas include future plans, French music and cinema, the environment, pollution and conservation and holidays and travel.

Regular exposure to our native language assistant in small conversation groups helps the students to develop their oral skills.


1. Coursework (50%)
2. Examination (50%)

Unit 3: Semester 1

This unit is designed to extend students’ knowledge and skills in understanding, speaking and writing the language.

Students are required to participate in a spoken exchange in French to resolve a personal issue, interpret information from texts and write responses in French and express ideas in a personal, informative or imaginative piece of writing in French.

The content areas are based on the themes of The Individual, The French-Speaking Communities and The World Around us and include family structure, the world of work, freedom of the press and immigration.

Regular exposure to our native language assistant in small conversation groups helps the students to develop their oral skills.

The student undertakes to present an object which can be spoken about in detail at the external oral examination.

Unit 4: Semester 2

This unit is designed to extend students’ knowledge and skills in understanding, speaking and writing the language.

Students are required to share information, ideas and opinions in a spoken exchange in French; analyse information from written, spoken and viewed texts for use in a written response in French; and present information, concepts and ideas in evaluative or persuasive writing on an issue in French.

Content areas include France in the past and now and French culture.

Regular exposure to our native language assistant in small conversation groups helps the students to develop their oral skills.

The student undertakes to present an object which can be spoken about in detail at the external oral examination.


1. Coursework – Unit 3 (25%)
2. Coursework – Unit 4 (25%)
3. Written Examination (37.5%)
4. Oral Examination (12.5%)

Japanese Second Language

This subject is for students of non-Japanese speaking background, or those who have completed no more than seven years of first language study prior to Year 11. According to current VCAA rules, some Japanese Nationals may be eligible for this course. 


Japanese Second Language Units 1 & 2 must be completed before Units 3 & 4.

Course Description

Unit 1: Semester 1

Students continue to extend their knowledge and skills under the prescribed themes of: The Individual, The Japanese Speaking Communities and The World Around Us.

Unit 1 involves the study of topics such as: self-introductions, education systems and school activities, sports and club activities.

The student is expected to converse in Japanese on a range of different topics, be familiar with different styles of writing, be able to extract relevant details from a range of spoken or written texts and respond in writing; and extend their knowledge of the Kanji characters. Students undertake a range of coursework assessment tasks throughout the unit.

Weekly individual sessions with our native language assistant are provided for each student which helps the students to develop their oral skills.

1. Coursework (50%)
2. Examination (50%)

Unit 2: Semester 2

Students continue to extend their knowledge and skills under the prescribed themes of The Individual, The Japanese Speaking Communities and The World Around Us.

Unit 2 involves the study of topics such as: leisure and fitness, health and sickness, and social and environmental issues such as bullying, protecting the environment.

Students are required to participate in spoken or written exchanges related to the content areas; respond in written form to spoken and written texts; analyse and use information from written, spoken or visual texts to produce an extended written response in Japanese; and give an oral presentation in Japanese on a cultural aspect of the topics studied. More Kanji are introduced, and students are expected to consolidate their knowledge of these.

Students undertake a range of coursework assessment tasks throughout the unit.

Weekly individual sessions with the native language assistant are provided for each student which helps the students to develop their oral skills.

1. Coursework (50%)
2. Examination (50%)

Unit 3: Semester 1

Students continue to extend their knowledge and skills under the prescribed themes of The Individual, The Japanese Speaking Communities and The World Around Us.

Unit 3 involves the study of ideals, lifestyles and gender roles, the environment and technology. 

Students are required to participate in a spoken exchange in Japanese to resolve a personal issue, interpret information from texts and write responses in Japanese and express ideas in a personal, informative or imaginative piece of writing in Japanese. Students will consolidate their knowledge of Kanji.

Regular exposure to our native language assistant in small conversation groups helps the students to develop their oral skills.

Unit 4: Semester 2

Unit 4 involves the study future plans and Japanese housing.

Students are required to share information, ideas and opinions in a spoken exchange in Japanese; analyse information from written, spoken and viewed texts for use in a written response in Japanese; and present information, concepts and ideas in evaluative or persuasive writing on an issue in Japanese. Students will continue to consolidate their knowledge of Kanji.

The student undertakes to present an object which can be spoken about in detail at the external oral examination.

Regular exposure to our native language assistant in small conversation groups helps the students to develop their oral skills.

1. Coursework – Unit 3 (25%)
2. Coursework – Unit 4 (25%)
3. Written Examination (37.5%)
4. Oral Examination (12.5%)