The pastoral care programme

Modified August 28, 2023
1.5 min
Modified August 28, 2023

The house system underpins student care throughout Corio and ensures that every student is visible. Pastoral care encompasses boarding staff, teaching staff, supporting staff, sports coaches, school counsellors and psychologists, school nurses and the Chaplain. If a student needs to discuss any concern or issue, they will always have someone to turn to and someone watching out for them. 

Who to contact?

Key to the success of our Middle School programme is the quality of communication between the school and home. There are a number of readily available points of contact for matters concerning your child, depending on the nature of the communication and the student’s enrolment type.

These include the Head of Middle School, Head of House, House Mentor, House Assistant (boarding), classroom teacher (Years 5 and 6), and the Kennedy Health Centre.

The Head of House and the student’s House Mentor are responsible for the immediate needs of each student and are therefore the first point of contact for any questions or concerns. For Year 5 and 6 students, the classroom teacher is a pivotal figure and primary point of contact for parents. Staff contact details are found in the Hive (parent portal).