Our Careers Department works extensively with students from Year 10 onwards. In designated Year 10 careers classes (conducted during Pathways) and in partnership with Pathways Learning Coaches, students complete Morrisby Assessments that help connect interests, aptitudes, and personality with future career and study options. Students arriving in Years 11 and 12 also have the opportunity to complete Morrisby and the follow-up counselling session to discuss the report. Parents are also encouraged to be part of these sessions via Zoom meetings or in person.
Personalised support
Individual career appointments are available on-demand for all students throughout the year, with peak times leading up to subject selection and tertiary course applications. In addition, there are formal presentations to students and parents regarding the Victorian Certificate of Education, the International Baccalaureate Diploma and transition to tertiary education.
Careers Day
The annual Careers Day at the Corio Campus provides students and parents with the opportunity to talk to local and interstate universities and gap year providers, and residential colleges from the University of Melbourne. In partnership with the Old Geelong Grammarians Association , a mentor programme enables many Old Geelong Grammarians (OGGs) to return on this day to talk to students and parents about their workplace experiences post-school.
Overseas Tertiary Applications
Though most of our students elect to continue their education at Australian universities, we have students successfully applying to overseas institutions every year, including high-profile universities in both the USA and UK. Assistance and support through the overseas application process are individual and ongoing. Presentations from Education USA and visiting universities provide valuable insight into the application process and the options available. SAT entrance tests are offered at GGS several times a year. UK admission tests through Cambridge Assessments are also available on campus in November. Overseas students can attend the University of Melbourne’s Schools Partnership Initiative (MSPI), which offers unique opportunities and assistance to overseas students.
Supporting diverse pathways
Not all students intend to go to university immediately following Year 12. Therefore, the Careers Department also offers individual support with gap year applications, resumé production, scholarship applications, sporting scholarships, work experience, internships and job applications.